The term "global warming" is more descriptive but I accept "climate change". Here is a good discussion.
I started educating myself about the threat when "global warming" was what I stumbled on.
Recently I stumbled upon an interesting map of a survey taken in 2008 by Gallup
First the easy stuff. Europe, Latin America (all the way to Mexico), Australia, some parts of Africa and to a degree Canada have majorities of people that are aware of global warming and of those who are aware, a majority agree that it is a serious threat. And there are indications that they are making an effort to do something about it
Interestingly Germany and Brazil seem to be leading these regions;
Germany and Brazil join forces on climate change action
Brazil Has Done More To Stop Climate Change Than Any Other Country, Study Finds
Germany Just Got 78 Percent Of Its Electricity From Renewable Sources
If you look at other BRIC countries, India, things are more complicated.
Let's start with this graphic representation of how many planets would be needed to achieve sustainability if all the people in the world consumed the same as the selected countries.
India is rather efficient in it's use of resources given it's half-planet needs. But a majority of its people are unaware of the issue. The Indian government is making an effort but they should and, perhaps they are starting to, educate the masses. Thankfully, a majority of those Indians who are aware also understand its seriousness.
China is another story; Here's Why China Cares More About Climate Change Than Congress Does. Although a majority are aware of global warming, most of them are not aware of the seriousness of the problem. Why? They have more serious problems like pollution? The Communist Party still doesn't get it? China is the #1 emitter of CO2. China is almost as efficient as India in its use of resources. Many in China are still as poor as in India but China's energy sector seems to be much worse. Interestingly, there is a rapprochement between China and India that Russia approves of. The Communist Party in China has absolute power and a long term vision of Chinese supremacy. Capitalism is their economic engine but they have some authority (however increasingly weaker) to change things. They are investing in renewables. And IMO, they must be looking at Russian Siberia as the place to exploit was Earth heats up.
Speaking of Russia, the unsustainable power. They are almost as bad as America in their use of resources. And their plutocracy is where we may end up unless Citizens United is not overturned or Trump is elected. They know about global warming but they don't think it is a problem. Maybe they have bigger problems maybe... Hopefully the new regional triunvirate of India, Russia and China will get their act together.
And then there is the Leader of the Free World who at least is #2 in CO2 emmissions and who is not really leading since the non-approval of the Kyoto prtocol because of the massive influence of the fossil fuel industry in American politics. They have managed to nullify any possible leadership role.
This graphic is a starting point;
I've written before about how serious I think global warming is;
Global warming, nuclear war, artificial intelligence and the end of the world
And now I campaign for the one candidate who I think gets it and will do something about it because he considers it one of the serious and existential problems we face.