The Single Payer movement is moving forward in California. We are kicking off the new strategy on Monday.
The ultimate goal is to apply for a "waiver" under the ACA in 2017. For this we need several things but paramount is the state legislature to budget and complete the economic impact study.
But this Lobby Day we will focus in supporting SB 4, the Lara Bill. The idea is to make healthcare available to 3-4 million undocumented workers in California. Senator Lara is one of the biggest Single Payer supporters in California and will be leading the effort in Sacramento. This SB 4 is good and it's a step in the right direction.
Hundreds of activists organized by the AllCare Alliance will be bused in on Sunday.
There will be speeches and events at the Leadership Conference. Here you can get a ticket (nobody turned back) and even a hotel room and bus ride.
This is a diary I posted 5 years ago for another Single Payer Lobby Day.
If you can't make it perhaps I can talk you into signing this TakePart petition supporting SB 4;
Sign On: California Needs Health for All!
I'll be in Sacramento on Sunday through Wednesday morning meeting with legislators, attending the Leadership Conference and Alliance board meetings.
But I will hive time for dinner and drinks in our state capital.